About Us
Our Team

Peter Gunn
Principal and Managing Director
Peter is a professional coal specialist with expertise in the areas of coal geology, coal preparation, logistics and coal marketing. Peter has had 43 years of continuous experience in the field of coal. He has worked extensively in Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia. He is a member of Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and his university education includes, geology, coal geology, mineral processing and mining. His experience and qualifications satisfy the requirements of a Competent Person under the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) code.
As well as having extensive experience in Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia, Peter has also lived and worked in Russia and Ukraine and has worked on projects in Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Mongolia, China, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Colombia, United States of America and Canada. Peter’s marketing experience covers the following countries: New Zealand, Australia, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Philippines, India, Mongolia, Russia, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA and Colombia.
CMI has a range of clients that include banks, mining companies, investment houses, trading houses, power generating companies, legal firms, governments and international aid bodies.

Ashley Gunn
Manager Exploration, Development and Mining
Ashley has degrees in geology and mining engineering and has extensive opencut and underground experience in Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia. He is currently managing an opencut coal mine in Indonesia where his expertise in operating the Minex suite of software in the arenas of geological modelling, mine design and optimisation is put to good use.
He has expertise in drilling, planning, and quality control. Ashley speaks Indonesian fluently and lives in Indonesia. Ashley’s experience spans 16 years that includes coal exploration, mine development, opencut pit management, underground geologist, drilling supervisor, logistics manager, modelling and mine planning, and many more recently mine manager.
Areas of Expertise
Exploration Design and Management
Coal Marketing has had many years of successful experience in designing and managing exploration programmes in New Zealand, Australia and Indonesia. This includes grassroots exploration, resource definition and reserves quantification.
Design of Laboratory / Washability Programmes
Coal Marketing has much experience in this field including liberation studies of high ash coal seams, removing of out of seam contamination, implementation of low cost coal washing systems for both Gondwana coal types and Pacific Rim (Tertiary Age) coal types.
Resource Estimation and Modelling
Use of the Minex suite of software enables CMI to estimate resources and in-ground coal quality to enable the estimation of coal resources.
Geotechnical Engineering
CMI has expertise in collating geotechnical information from drill cores, drill holes and outcrops for use by third party consultants in producing ground stabilisation advice. CMI also has extensive experience in collecting and assessing coal seam gas quantities and qualities.
Environmental Management
We have expertise in collecting environmental baseline data and estimating and combating acid formation from coal-measures rocks. CMI has experience in defining parameters for baseline surveys for all environmental aspects of mine development.
Mine Planning and Management
CMI staff are currently managing an open cut mine in Indonesia where the extensive understanding of coal quality, coal washability, contractor performance, staff motivation are used to great effect.
Market Assessment
The extensive understanding of coal and its uses by CMI allows for effective assessment of coal properties and consequent allocation to markets able to appreciate the identified properties.
CMI has in-depth understanding of the markets for coal including both domestic and international coal consumers. Our in-depth understanding of coal allows for various coals to be targeted toward the most suitable applications
Prefeasibility and Feasibility Studies
Through its extensive knowledge of all the factors listed above CMI is able to undertake pre feasibility and feasibility studies for both open cut and underground coal mining operations.
Valuation of Coal Properties and Coal Companies
Knowledge of both the markets and the capabilities of the mining and processing operations allows CMI to effectively value coal mining properties and coal companies.
Provision of Expert Witness Advice
CMI provides expert witness advice in legal cases where knowledge of coal properties, sampling and analysis plus coal logistics is required. Knowledge of coal delivery, contracts and payment terms allow CMI to provide valuable advice to customers.